Update: January 19, 2012
Below, view the embedded (hosted on Scribd) and linked document forward by Charlie that was originally sent by:
Shamori Rose Whitt, CNU-A (email)
Smart Growth Planner
Planning and Economic Development
City of El Paso
(915) 541-4477
Charlie Wakeem, President of the Coronado Neighborhood Association and Jim Tolbert (producer of the wonderful blog, elpasonaturally©), are great sources of information concerning El Paso and land development, especially about sustainable living with sensitivity to the environment and open spaces remaining near Transmountain and the Frankin Mountains State Park. Whether through a neighborhood association update, or social media, each man communicates information. Recently, Charlie sent out an email promoting a new round of charrettes, which seek to gather citizen feedback on the proposed TxDoT Transmountain Scenic Corridor project. Charlie writes:
Preserving the Trans Mountain Scenic Corridor and redesigning the Westside Master Plan under Smart Codes.
Please commit to attending and participating in one or both of the Public Meetings. You may also personally interact with the Dover Kohl and City staff teams at the Design Studio.
Get the word out to anyone you know! Please ask them to commit to participating personally as well.
Northwest Masterplan Charrette:
1. Hands-On Session:
Tuesday, January 24, 2012, 5PM to 9PM,
Canutillo HS Auditorium;
6675 S. Desert Boulevard, 79932
2. Northwest Masterplan Work in Progress:
Saturday, January 28, 2012, 9AM to Noon,
Canutillo HS Auditorium;
6675 S. Desert Boulevard, 79932
3. Design Studio: (Open to the Public)
Monday, January 23 to Friday, January 27, 2012
Canutillo Independent School District--Board Room
7965 Artcraft Road, 79932
Hours of Design Studio:
Monday-Friday, 9AM to 7PM
El Paso Plan: Northwest Date Card
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